

How it Works?

Q. How does it work?

Your monthly revenue report, for the previous month, is generated (between 5th-7th day of the current month) and we pay you by the end of the current month.

Q. What are the eligibility criteria to become a publisher?

To be eligible for monetization you must have at least 5,000 DAUs (Daily Active Users/visitors). Your app/website shouldn’t contain any hate-related, pornographic, libelous, sexually explicit, violent or otherwise offensive content. Please read the Terms of Service to know more.

Q. What is expected from the app/website partner, to show the content of the users?

As a MoBuzy partner, you are expected to display a list of content, banners, icons or content cards to the users in a prominent place within your app/website so that it is easy for users to discover the content. You may also use banners to show the featured image and title of the content being promoted. You should not use Web view to display the content as that will impact earnings severely.

Q. Are there any guidelines on how and where to show the content to the users?

You should place the widgets, banners or other content elements prominently in your app/website. We strongly recommend that wherever you display the content, you should at least display a Title of the article and the featured image. These 2 elements are important for generating user's interest in the article. Alternatively, you can use banners (which contain both image and title).

Q. Will the MoBuzy content be displayed outside the my app? Will you launch a browser?

All MoBuzy content is displayed within the publisher app and the user doesn’t move out of the publisher app’s environment. As an app partner you control how the content will be shown to the user. We recommend that you use a custom chrome tab to show our content. This is required for effective monetization of the content within the app, which is why our eCPMs are at par with those on browsers.

Q. Can I incentivize my users to read the content in my app/website?

We prohibit incentivizing users in any form, to either read the content or view/click ads within the content. We have a very strict policy in this regard and any such action may result in suspension/termination of the publisher account.

Q. Do you provide an API to fetch content from MoBuzy’s platform?

Yes, we provide 2 APIs to our partners. You can use our Content Feed API or Banners API depending upon how you want to showcase the content within your app/website. For websites, we provide widgets to display content.

Q. Do you provide support in integrating the API or the web widget?

Yes, we do provide technical assistance to the partner’s team for smooth integration of the API/widget. We handhold you till the last step.

Q. When do I receive my revenue share?

Typically, you will be able to raise us an invoice (for the preceding month) by 25th day of the month and we process the payments within 15 Days of receiving the invoice. Please note that the agreement between MoBuzy and App/Website partners is based on revenue share and therefore a share cannot be given without realizing the revenue. MoBuzy is liable for payments to app/website partners only after MoBuzy receives the corresponding payment from Adsense/advertisers.

Q. What is your currency of payment?

The currency of payment for Indian app/website partners is INR (Indian Rupee). For the rest of the world the publisher payout is made in USD (US Dollars).